Thursday, October 5, 2017

What's New At Healing In Motion!?

What’s New At Healing In Motion!?

Rehabilitation based Pilates is now being offered by Lisa Wiley OTRL CHT. Unlike “fitness” Pilates we focus on modifications to limit the often reported “neck pain” associated with performing Pilates, in addition to other modifications so your body can get the most out of your movement experience. Often people find that the modifications allow them to target their problem areas and have a more positive movement experience. If your goal is to develop a home practice, attend group classes in the community or you would like private sessions we are happy to help you establish confidence for the movement that makes your body feel and move better.

Running Coach. For the love of running and for the sake of running! We can help you develop a program for getting you in shape to run vs suffering through the common injuries new and experienced runners encounter. With the use of a short video clip and three exercise movement screening's provided us with enough information to make suggestions and recommended exercises that can make significant positive changes in your running form and post-run feeling. 

We have added these additional programs because we feel they are beneficial, motivating and gratifying. 

Come check them out and I hope you will feel the same!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Get Fit To Run!

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to reach out to a few of my clients that I know enjoy running on some level. I know at times it can be a love-hate kind of sport. The ability to challenge oneself and both physically and mentally is good for personal growth.

However, at times our love for the sport comes with frustrations of injury which may lead to a feeling of frustration. I include myself in this group. I too have experienced the ups and downs of trying to run and run well.

This past weekend I attended a class called "Runity." 

Runity is about getting in shape to run not running to get into shape. Running is a skill and to get the most of it, you need to know how to obtain how to acquire the biomechanics, workload optimization, movement conditioning and neurophysiology to get started and progress your running throughout your life. With pleasure and without injury.

How would a three-day running class make such an impact? I could say what doesn't break you makes you stronger, but that really isn't it. It was eye-opening, it was challenging, it was "telling" as each assessment and exercise revealed a different layer of our movement patterns, weaknesses and limitations both physically and mentally. It is not about finding out what is "wrong" with your running it is about making small changes and making it easier, less painful and surprisingly effortless!

What I learned was, if you are on a treadmill and not at the speed of 7.5 miles per hour in scientific terms you are actually jogging. 

Running faster makes running easier.

Everyone is born to run

We limit ourselves with the images and thought processes during our activities

There is always room for improvement and at the same time still be happy with what you have.

Running is a skill.

It is not about the shoes.

It is not all about the style of foot strike. 

I admit that after 3 days of learning and performing exercises I had no idea even existed moving was not very easy. Since my return a few days ago I have gone for 2 short runs and with no lingering aches or pains, I once had. I admit I still have distance and cardiovascular improvement to hit that 7.5 mph stride consistently but I feel I am up for the challenge. 

I look forward to teaching other runners that struggle with running due to injuries and helping people start running that have never run before. I am here to help them achieve their goals.

If you are interested in experiencing a less painful way to run, contact me at

To learn more about Runity click here.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Healing In Motion, PLLC Therapy & Wellness Center: On A Roll...

Healing In Motion, PLLC Therapy & Wellness Center: On A Roll...:      You know scrolling through social media I often see links and ideas regarding foam rolling. I own a foam roller (or two, or three) and ...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

On A Roll...

     You know scrolling through social media I often see links and ideas regarding foam rolling. I own a foam roller (or two, or three) and rarely do I ever roll on them! Why is that you might ask? Well, I admit to being lazy for one. For another, rolling is a lot of effort for a temporary gain. 
     So what's the point of having a foam roller if not to roll on it? I use it more like a fulcrum, by which I can leverage gravity for a myofascial stretch. Utilizing this method I have been able to bring about change without a lot of physical work. And let's face it when we hurt we don't want to be like a dog chasing their tail in the living room floor.  This method also effects more than one area at a time vs. "rolling" one area at a time. The foam roller I am using in the picture below is an OPTP Pro Roller Standard Density Foam Roller. It has the density or firmness of a foam yoga block. There is a much softer option, the  OPTP Pro Roller Soft. The soft one is soft enough to squeeze but does not "bottom out" when in use. 

                                      Doesn't this look peaceful?

     In the picture above, I am releasing tension in my neck and shoulders, pecs and low back. This is not the only thing I do with my foam roller but it where I start. I will be adding variations to this in future blog posts. Personally, I love the firm foam roller for addressing tension in the upper body and the softer foam roller for the lower body. But then everyone has their own preferences!

     Don't roll away! Release away tension and pain the easy way!

Until, next time...

Saturday, October 31, 2015

...Beyond Technique

Borrowing from the title of Myofascial Release III for the title of this blog. Not due to lack or originality but more to illustrate that not only how change relies on technique but also what one does with or during their transformation. So often people arrive for therapy with expectations, expectations that often not easily put into words. 

So healing takes place off of the table...

1. what beyond means
2. what one does after or inbetween
3. how far can we take ourselves
4. what we believe can happen
5 how to move forward. 

Monday, September 21, 2015


How would this pair with some sangria?? thoughts for a warm summer day. Just a thought.-Lisa

Chilled Gazpacho has ancient roots. It is thought to be brought over to Spain by the Moors or Romans. It can be either rustic and chunky or smooth and elegant. There are several variations adding avocado, corn, or even crab meat. Great served on a hot summer day. -Keith

Chilled Gazpacho Soup

Serves 6-8

1 large tomato, peeled and seeded

½ medium red onion

½ cucumber, peeled and seeded

½ green pepper, seeded

1 large stalk of celery

2 tsp. parsley, minced

2 tsp. chives, finely chopped

1 garlic clove, minced

4 cups V-8 juice (or tomato juice)

¼ cup red wine vinegar

2 tbs. olive oil (extra virgin)

1 tbs. lemon juice

1 tsp. granulated sugar

1 tsp. salt

¼ tsp. white pepper

¼ tsp. Tabasco sauce

1 tbs. Worcestershire sauce

1) Quarter inch dice all vegetables and set aside.

2) Combine the rest of the ingredients mixing well.

3) Fold vegetables in with liquid mixture and refrigerate until cold.

4) Serve as is or garnish with any of these, chopped hard boiled egg,

finely chopped green onions, avocado, bacon bits, blue lump crab meat, cut corn or 


Monday, July 13, 2015

It's simple, in't it?

12 steps to AA, but the first step is admitting you have a problem? I have never been apart of this community. Yet, through media most of us know the first step. Of all the steps which are the most difficult? I ask this question in a framework for looking at how we take care of ourselves. Everyday I hear people make affirmations of something they acknowledge needs to change; I need to lose weight, save money, make time for (fill in the blank), you name it. They might even look into ways of resolving the issue, purchase healthier food, only buy when on sale. But real change come with commitment and setting goals for change.  Having help and being held accountable helps ensure the goals are met. Finding value in such relationships for some are difficult to justify.

When adding a professional that can hold you accountable to the mix you might find your goals are more attainable. Just your desire for help and asking that person, even if it means pay for their services, helps solidify your goals and desires. The person you enlist should be knowledgeable, accessible, accountable and non judgmental. Speaking for myself as someone that has helped people reach their goals and someone that has paid someone to help me reach my goals, the other person's pure enthusiasm catapults you to a whole new way of thinking and realizing your goals. It is not because they are getting paid it is because they are doing something they are passionate about. Passion is contagious.

In signed on to get some help with my diet. Not so much that I was wanting to start a “diet” but to look at what and how I was eating. I was certain I did not “over eat”, I barely have time to eat! So I signed up for a few sessions with a nutritionist/personal trainer, Brian Young. He made me really take a look at what I was eating and what I was not eating. It certainly confirmed I did not have an overeating problem but I did have poor eating habits. Now, I know what to work on instead of guessing all the time and still not quite getting it right. I have to say I feel my money and time was well spent.

If you are considering making some changes in your life. I recommend contacting someone that specializes in the area of your life you want to change and see what they have to offer. Sometimes just the initial phone conversation can point you in the right direction.